Some of you already know that when not puttering about in the kitchen or on this blog, I work as a magazine editor for the international editions of Cosmopolitan magazine. Working with international mags is a pretty cool mixed bag of a job, and occasionally, I get some tasks that are really fun.
Most recently, one of my editors in Holland wrote me and asked if I could help her gather a list of some New York City "hotspots." Basically, with the upcoming release of the Sex and the City 2 movie, (for which yes, I already have tickets), they wanted to do a piece featuring some "real" New York girls sharing their favorite spots to shop, eat, and dance in the city. She also asked if I could include my own tips in the list.
I got to work and contacted some friends and fellow bloggers to contribute. I interviewed about a dozen girls total, and I actually ended up with pages and pages of tips. Naturally, due to space constraints, the magazines could only run a few suggestions each, but I'm sure we'll find another great use for the other interviews in the future.
At the very least, I now have a kick-ass long list of places I need to check out here in NYC stat!

The story just came out (in the June issue of Dutch Cosmo) and I thought I'd share it with you! (That's it above.) Cosmo Italy (another edition that I work with) also picked up the story (though they used different tips and featured a different selection from the girls I interviewed.)
Click on the pictures to enlarge them and see them up close. I think that a few of you may notice a some familiar faces on the list. Including fellow food bloggers Katy Atlas from Sugarlaws, Michelle Judd from Taste as You Go, Jordan Reid from Ramshackleglam, and Grace from GraceNotes NYC.

Big thanks to all the girls who generously shared their time and amazing recommendations!
By the way, my New York picks?
Ilili, which I wrote about here, is my current favorite restaurant in the city. (And I hear that they now serve brunch! Yay!)
Kashkaval, which I wrote about here and also recommended in this article in the London Times, is my favorite lunch and meeting-girlfriends-for-dinner spot. They also have delicious (and amazingly priced) fondue. Yum!
Sexy champagne bar Flute.
And for shopping, Century 21 (it's a battle, but you make out like a bandit when you persevere!) and Fabulous Franny's (truly fabulous spot for killer vintage finds and vintage eyeglasses. Very necessary when you like to throw retro-themed cocktail parties.)
P.S. I'm totally adding "Big Apple Insider" to my official bio. ;)
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