At my wits end one morning, I opened the freezer in search of something to help keep me cool. That's when I spotted the Popsicles. Icy cold, sweet, refreshing. I grabbed one and my keys, and headed out.
It was perfect! Down the street I walked, Popsicles in hand, smiling and feeling like a kid with my bright orange treat. It was still hot, but somehow not as awful. All summer long I walked to work this way, arriving at work with slightly sticky fingertips and bright pink (or purple or yellow) lips.
Since moving back to New York, I haven't had to deal with an unpleasant commute. My apartment is less than a block from the train that lets out directly beneath my office (just like a Senator!). I LOVE that my commute is so easy, but there are definitely times when I think back to those sticky DC mornings and miss the excuse to start the day with a frozen treat.

I was fascinated! I tried it at once, quickly pureeing a few frozen bananas I'd had sitting in waiting for the next batch of banana bread. It was fantastic.
This original article suggested this as a healthy dessert, but remembering my Popsicles, I've taken it one better. Ice cream for breakfast! We all eat bananas at room temperature, so why not, right? Add a bit of peanut butter for protein and a little cocoa for flavor and it's a perfect way to start the day!

Breakfast Banana Chocolate Ice Cream
Makes about 2 cups ice cream (depending on size of bananas)
Prepare this the night before so you can enjoy it in the morning. A scoop of this on the way to work will make any day feel indulgent. (And how much would a kid love this?!)
4 ripe bananas
3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter (can substitute almond or soy nut butter)
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Peel and slice the bananas into small chunks. Spread on a tray and freeze overnight or for at least 4 hours.
In a food processor or blender, combine the frozen banana pieces, peanut butter, and cocoa. Puree until smooth. Eat right away (it will have a soft-serve like texture), or refreeze for 2 hours to give it a more scoopable texture.
Store in freezer in an air-tight freezer safe container. Can be made up to 48 hours in advance.
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