Hi there and thank you for stopping by!
As you may know, over the past several years my career has pivoted and I'm now focused on my work as a national television host and contributor. Currently I can be seen regularly on NBC's TODAY Show where I am a TODAY Contributor, and on PBS where I am host of The Great American Recipe. The majority of my new recipes and writing are now available on the TODAY Show website.
(I'm also always open to new TV and broadcast opportunities, so please get in touch if you're working on something that could be a great fit!)
For an updated bio and other information about my current work, please visit alejandraramos.com or follow me on Instagram at @alwaysalejandra.
I'm represented by CAA (Creative Artists Agency). To contact me for TV, broadcast, commercial, or literary work, please get in touch with my agents. Find their contact info here.
Though I won't be updating this blog anymore, the archives will remain up indefinitely.
Thank you!
Alejandra Ramos